Our Focus

The Buffalo Pacific  OmniPresence PaaS Model

Buffalo Pacific has launched an industry-leading platform approach to healthcare, education and financial services with greater reach planned to scale into retail commerce and home integration of an “access portal.”  By utilizing our OmniPresence technology as the central hub, we are bringing together the three main “success factors” for every citizen through ensuring the “final three feet in global communication, connectivity, and commerce.”


From routine banking services, to loans of all types and investment services to insurance, the BP Omni-Branch Community Portal meets the demand for leveraging time, access to specialized experts, and convenient locations.

BP transforms the typical method of bank operation into an efficient, scalable, and visually pleasing access point while providing a “WOW” experience that builds the relationship with customers. Reach new customers in new ways while providing expanded service to existing households.

Health and Wellness

The eyes of the nation are on our healthcare system and the Omni-Branch Community Portal delivers new methods for efficient patient care and increased access to specialists, all combined with the personal touch everyone desires. In one location you can visit a primary care physician for wellness care, health concerns and visit numerous types of specialists via our telemedicine systems.


Demand for educational access is growing everyday.  Opportunities to learn “on-campus” and “online” have rapidly increased…now “on-screen” via the BP Community Portal™ bridges the gap between the physical location of the campus and the isolated feeling of online.  Students can seek an MBA, associates degree or certifications all through the Omni-Campus™ housed in the Community Portal. In addition to traditional classes, guidance assistance and more schools services are available on-demand with our Omni-Connect™ kiosk.

Customers expect more today, and we need to deliver expertise where needed.